At American Pest Control, we get it. One of the most frequently searched questions on the internet is, “Why do I have cockroaches in my clean house?” Here are some of the top reasons you might see cockroaches and how to take care of the problem.

Cockroach in house on background of toilet

Common Misconceptions

Can a clean house still have cockroaches? Absolutely!

Keeping your home clean can go a long way toward preventing cockroaches, but there are other factors to consider. For instance, some areas of the country, including Illinois, simply have the right climate and landscape for cockroaches. So, we need to be more diligent to keep them out of our living areas.

What Cockroaches Want

Our service area in Illinois has four types of cockroaches to contend with: American, brown-banded, German, and Oriental. Two of these four are more likely to be looking for water, and one wants warm, dry shelters. Only the German Cockroach is actively hunting for loose crumbs at the bottom of your trash can and the corners of your pantry.

Cockroach drinking water from the kitchen tap

5 Factors That Attract Cockroaches (and What to Do About Them)

Take a look around your home for cockroach hot spots. These annoying little bugs want food, water, and shelter. Eliminating their access to all three can help avoid problems. 

1. Moisture

Water is the most basic need of life. Assess every water source and access point for potential problems.

  • Check indoor and outdoor faucets, waterlines, and appliances for hidden leaks.
  • Watch for areas of condensation around dryer vents, refrigerators, dishwashers, bathrooms, and more.
  • Inspect your roof, attic, basement, or crawl space for hidden moisture.
  • Assess gutters and downspouts. Make sure the water is draining and directed away from your foundation.
  • Don’t leave standing water in your sinks, gardens, landscape features, or flower pots. Wring out sponges, dishcloths, and washcloths.

2. Food Sources

Cockroaches are adept at finding the smallest crumbs. Keep food in the kitchen and dining areas. Monitor hot spots where sticky fingers and household pets may inadvertently carry snack crumbs or treats.

Remember the Basics of Cleaning Routines

  • Don’t leave pet food and water out overnight.
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetops after every meal.
  • Wash dirty dishes or put them in the dishwasher right away.
  • Sweep daily and vacuum weekly.
  • Empty your trash regularly, rinse items for recycling, and clean trash cans weekly.

It may surprise you what cockroaches can eat. Once you’ve taken care of access to your own food, here are some other things cockroaches love to feed on:

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Wallpaper paste
  • Book bindings
  • Grease
  • Leather
  • Soap
  • Pet food
  • Hair
  • Dead skin
  • Fingernails
  • Makeup
  • Other insects
  • Mold and fungus
  • Wood
  • Animal waste
  • Decaying plants

Avoid saving unnecessary items and store important ones properly. Keeping your living spaces clean and clutter-free can limit your home’s appeal as a source of shelter and food.

3. Shelter and Hiding Places

If you have spotted a cockroach, begin searching for their hiding places nearby. Cockroaches generally stay within 12 feet of their food and water. Watch for:

  • Cracks and crevices in walls and floors.
  • Cluttered areas and cardboard storage boxes.
  • Insulated, warm environments in attics and basements and under appliances.
  • Dark cubbies and corners, even behind wall outlets and pictures on your walls.

4. Home Maintenance and Landscaping

Maintain your home by:

  • Keeping your grass cut and landscaping well-tended.
  • Moving compost, dead leaves, and mulch far away from the house.
  • Avoiding dense foliage on your property, especially near your home (ideally, all landscaping plants should be at least three feet away from your home).
  • Fixing gaps in windows, screens, and under doors.
  • Filling cracks in the foundation and fireplace.
  • Repairing poorly installed window-unit air conditioners.

5. Environmental Factors

Remember that environmental factors can contribute to any cockroach infestation, no matter how clean your home is.

  • Geographic location and climate influences: Cockroaches prefer warm, moist environments with ample vegetation.
  • Seasonal changes: Cockroaches are more prevalent in the spring and summer.
  • Where you live: In an apartment or townhouse, neighbors might play a part in wandering roach colonies. Even if their living space is clean, the use of DIY pest control encourages cockroaches to move to the next available area.

Exterminator Spraying Pesticide In Kitchen

Expert Extermination Gets Lasting Results

Knowing the type of cockroach you have and the best ways to eradicate it are two compelling reasons to call an expert exterminator from American Pest Control. Our job is to remove cockroach infestations and help you prevent further disgusting disruptions to your life. 

Call for a free quote at the first sign of unwanted pests.

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Stop letting pests run your home and take control of your property. Call American Pest Control for all your pest control and exterminator needs in Central Illinois! We will be sure to eradicate the pests living in your home while maintaining a safe environment for your family.